How to solve Canada’s family doctor shortage: report

How to solve Canada’s family doctor shortage: report

A new report released on Monday reveals what patients across Canada want from their primary health-care system and how to address the ongoing crisis of family doctor shortage.

Patients want more primary health-care teams

The report, titled “Our Care”, is based on a survey of more than 9,000 people online and in-person discussions with dozens more across Canada. The researchers, from St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, aimed to understand the experiences and expectations of patients with primary care and how to improve it.

One of the key findings is that patients want more primary health-care teams, which include family doctors, nurse practitioners, and other health professionals such as dietitians, pharmacists and social workers. These teams would increase access to care, reduce clinician burnout and enable a more holistic approach to care, the report said.

More than one in five people across Canada do not have access to a family doctor or nurse practitioner they can see regularly, according to the report. This is a serious problem, as primary care is the first point of contact for most people with health issues and plays a vital role in preventing and managing chronic diseases.

How to solve Canada’s family doctor shortage: report

Patients want access to their own health records

Another finding is that patients want access to their own electronic health records, which would allow them to have ownership of their own health and share vital information with multiple health-care providers. The report said that many patients face difficulties in accessing their records, especially when they move cities or provinces or their doctor retires.

Access to health records would also improve the quality and continuity of care, as well as reduce duplication and errors, the report said. Patients also expressed interest in using digital tools such as online booking, virtual visits and secure messaging to communicate with their primary health-care providers.

Patients want faster licensing of foreign-trained physicians

The report also said that patients want faster licensing of foreign-trained physicians, who could help fill the gap of family doctors in Canada. The report said that many patients are aware of the challenges and barriers that foreign-trained physicians face in obtaining their license and practicing in Canada.

The report said that patients believe that foreign-trained physicians should be able to practice in Canada if they meet the same standards and qualifications as Canadian-trained physicians. They also suggested that the licensing process should be more transparent, consistent and streamlined across provinces and territories.

Report hopes to inform policy changes

The lead researcher of the report, Dr. Tara Kiran, who is a family doctor and scientist with the MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions at St. Michael’s Hospital, said that she hopes the report will inform policy changes and reforms in the primary health-care system.

She said that the report reflects the voices of diverse groups of people from both urban and rural Canada, as well as patients from different ethnic backgrounds and people with disabilities. She said that all of them agreed that there should be guaranteed access to primary care for everyone living in Canada.

“If you are in a position of any power … I hope those people use the standard kind of as a North Star to say, ‘OK, well, we’re wanting to change the system. We’re going to introduce reforms. Let’s use this. Let’s make sure that these reforms are in alignment with what people said was important to them,’” Kiran said.

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